petek, 31. januar 2014

Slovenian Bloggers 20. - 26. 1. 2014

Want to know what Slovenian Bloggers were up to?

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 Tanita Weith - pattern with a hat

Katarina A. - her first tag ever.  

Pretty Purple - Essie Lovie Dovie

Dancing with my cat - wearing a shirt full of little zebras.

Adjusting Beauty - review: Catrice LE Lala Berlin loves Catrice nail polish.

Beauty of a lemon - review: Max Factor elixir Giant pen stick.

Pink Diamond - recipes: panna cotta.

Sabina - shea butter.

Maja Ena - wants to achieve ...

Sparkle with laughter - Yves Rocher products.

Ajda Tjaša - Get to know me.

Deja - filmed a video: 90`s tag.

Viva la vida - giveaway.

Kvačka, raj za dušo - crochet sweater.

D. Ralok - review: Mixa Cleansing Micellar water.

Taya - review: Ingrid cosmetics ideal face foundation.

Lucija - review: Revlon kissable just bitten balm stain.

Mateji ustvarjata - babbling.

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